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Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Leadership can at times be a lonely and confusing experience with few places for new leaders and even fewer for experienced leaders to safely explore leadership issues, styles, challenges, ethical dilemmas, conflict, interpersonal problems, sustainability, resilience, work-life-balance, career transition and vocational crises.

Who this is for

Wendy works with established and emerging leaders on both the art and science of leadership. Responsive to where people are at, and utilising deep listening skills she tailors programs for each person, combining guidance on tangible skills like articulating a clear vision, setting goals, building a strong team and collaborating with others together with more intangible qualities like self-knowledge, trust, integrity and resilience. Skills based coaching can also be customised around any of the many leadership and management areas known to Wendy.

Drawing on her unique mix of knowledge and skills, Wendy utilises her in-depth understanding of people and organisations to guide people at all stages of their leadership journeys. Wendy provides opportunities for dialogue, exploration and discovery with creative use of reflective activities that enable clients to gain new understanding about themselves and others.

What I offer

Customised packages of leadership coaching can provide a safe, but at the same time challenging environment’ to enable guided personal reflection, discovery and goal-setting whenever these leadership needs arise.

Coaching can be customised for each person’s requirements but is often provided in a package of six one hour sessions spaced over a period of time. Usually the sessions are held monthly to enable time for reflection and follow-up activities by the client but depending upon individual circumstances the sessions may be held as frequently as weekly.

Prior to commencing a package of coaching sessions clients are able to attend a preliminary session to discuss their needs and confirm that the proposed package and Wendy’s style will match their requirements. A contract covering agreed goals for the package of sessions is confirmed with the client prior to commencement.

Where leadership coaching is contracted through an organisation there is provision for a preliminary meeting and brief report at the end of the package.

Coaching sessions can be held in a variety of locations depending on the client’s preference but often occur in the informal setting of local coffee shops where conversation is able to be facilitated in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

Many who seek to consistently have high performance
also find it invaluable to consider their health.